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The Territory

Localities and interesting sites

Plautus'  square




In the nature

Marmitte dei Giganti

Mountain bike

Montalto and Careste

The Municipal territory is more than 100 kmq wide and spreads from the middle of the Borello valley, to the Savio valley and along the Para torrent, showing a changing landscape which reaches the greatest altitude with the Rocchetta mountain (812 m).
Sarsina is important not only for its historical and artistic aspects, but also for its great cultural and naturalistic attractions.
The Marmitte dei Giganti, along the Molinello torrent and the Lagaccio ditch, out of the town, towards Bagno di Romagna, is an interesting example of fluvial erosion, phenomenon which is considered unique in Romagna and rare in Italy.
The wide area in the North – West of Sarsina is also very important. It is an incontaminated environment, almost devoid of settlements, where you can see humble houses remains and the ruines of the country parishes of Careste, Ruscello and Badia San Salvatore in Montalto, which is an ideal place to visit during excursions.

Besides, the environment along the Savio river, between Valbiano and Quarto is rich and various.
 At "Ponte di Saraffa", you can also practise canoe, activity which is organized by the sport group " Canoa Corebo" from Cesena.
In the territory which surrounds the Borello torrent, you can find the ancient village of Ranchio, which is very characteristic because it has been built on a huge piece of sandstone rock. In the church, besides a roman sarcophagus, you can see some paintings by Michele Valbonesi (1731 – 1808).In Pieve di Rivoschio, which is important because during the Second World War it was the seat of the headquarters of the VIII Brigata Partigiana " Garibaldi" (a partisan brigade), we can find the "Parco della Resistenza e della Pace", a park built in memory of that period.
Here, a series of dialectal performances take place in the summertime.


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Latest updating date 23-12-2010