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The history


Sarsina has very ancient origins, since it has been built by the humbrian population between the VI and the IV century b.C.  
In the III century b.C. Sarsina already governed a big country, which included some Romagna valleys and the highest part of the river Tevere.
The economy of the territory was based on the resources coming from the exploitation of the forests and of the countries ( wool, hides, cheeses, wood).
The first certain date of the history of Sarsina is that of its conquest by the romans, in the 266 b.C. After that, Sarsina became a federate town and then a Municipality.
In the 250 b.C. Sarsina was the birthplace of Tito Maccio Plauto, the greatest latin playwright, who left 21 plays, which nowadays are still performed with big success.
Sarsina saw a real economical rise and an urban development in the first half of the 1st century b.C. when , after the social war, all federate cities of Rome where given the roman citizenship.
The city walls and some of the great mausoleums, which were built by noble families, date back to the late republican age.
The town became then a big emporio, where people from the East established their sanctuaries, managing to escape for a long time the agricoltural crisis of the Pianura Padana.
Between the end of the III and the beginning of the IV century Sarsina had S. Vicinio as its first bishop and then as its Saint Patron. His fame as thaumaturge and exorcist is still great.
obulacco.gif (15615 byte) Declined after the collapse of the roman empire, Sarsina suffered from  devastations and sacks and, in spite of being submitted to different dominations ( Ordelaffi,Malatesta, Veneziani), it managed to preserve a part of its own importance thanks to the fact that it was the bishop’s seat.
Untill 1859, Sarsina belonged to the Stato Pontificio ( the state belonging to the Pope) and then to the new Italian Reign.
In 1944, Sarsina underwent a cruel nazist reprisal, where a lot of people were killed or wounded, by the fire of several private houses and public buildings.
The economy, which was before exclusively an agricoltural one, changed a lot in the Sixtieth’s through the installing of several factories, which provided a flourishing craftmanship.
Nowadays, Sarsina is a very important turistic center with great prospects for the future, thanks to its big Archeological Museum, its Cathedral where it is possible to receive the "S.Vicinio’s blessing" ( that attracts thousands of pilgrims every year), its environmental beauties and thanks to its easy connection with the E45 highway.


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Latest updating date 23-12-2010