Home The history Saint Vicinius

Saint Vicinius

Towards the end of the III century and the beginning of the IV century, a.C. with the persecution by Diocleziano, Vicinius left from Liguria and arrived in Sarsina where he was ordained bishop. He ran he diocese of Sarsina for 27 years and 3 months. Poetry and legend embellish the biography of the first bishop of Sarsina: two white angels would have been present to his election in the sky above Musella, holding the episcopal infula.
chiesa_interno.jpg (54614 byte)In Musella, a village on a hill 10km far from Sarsina, the anchorite was living in prayer when the church of Sarsina, illuminated by the apparition of the angels, elected him bishop of the town.
The funeral of the Saint is still told by the imaginative voice of the folk: a very high oak bowed down respectfully at the passage of the hearse. The two steers hauling the hearse, because of the great sorrow, committed suicide by throwing themselves into the turbulent waters of the Savio.

The prodigies, which drew and are still drawing a large number of pilgrims, keep on celebrating the thaumaturgic fame of Saint Vicinius, bestower of grace and healer of possessed.

At the centre of the ultramillenary cult we have the so-called "catena", a kind of jointed, iron collar which, according to the tradition, was the instrument of penitence of Saint Vicinius: the saint  used to pray with a heavy stone bound to this collar, which is nowadays closed around the neck of the believers.Further info about the life of Saint Vicinius and about the devotion to the saint is available on the web site of theSanctuary.

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Latest updating date 23-12-2010